PHOTOGRAPH OF A REAL DEAD ALIENOn one sunny afternoon suddenly several flying saucers making horrible noise covered the sky & I saw aliens dressed in white robes flying in sky ...because of the vibrations all the trees were shaking , birds started chirping loudly & there was a big commotion. People were screaming at the top of their voice , babies were crying & the whole situation was pathetic. I ran towards the window to close it but I was unable to do so because every thing started moving similar to that in Earth quake & than one Alien who was flying in the sky came closer to me & said ," we are here to destroy the ' BAD ' & so I am throwing this apple if you are able to catch it you will survive ". He threw the apple & before I able to catch it I realized it was a DREAM.Although it was a dream which I saw few years back but that dream forced me to know about the EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIVING BEINGS.
Do Aliens exist ? is a big question today but after gathering information on Aliens I strongly believe that Aliens do exist & it is might possible that they are among us .There are people who have personal experiences with Aliens for instance Mrs. Betty Andreasson & her family had a personal experience with 5 Aliens at her residence in South Ashburnhum , Massachusetts on 25th January 1967 .
PHOTOGRAPH OF BETTY ANDREASSONAccording to her 5 Aliens came to her house in night they had worn blue colored cloak ,had 3 fingers in each hand , they had slit instead of mouth wide eyes .Mrs. Andreasson said that the Aliens took her in their space craft & there they conducted some tests on her which she cannot remember as she was hypnotized by Aliens & than she was sent back to her house after 4 hours Since 1967 the Researchers &Psychiatrist are unable to complete their investigation on Mrs. Andreasson's experience with Aliens.
Since I strongly believe in the existence of Aliens.Individual experience of people from all over the world with Aliens further encouraged me to know more about these mysterious living beings & luckily I came across UFO FESTIVAL (Unidentified Flying Objects ) at Roswell in Mexico .The festival is celebrated in remembrance of 4th July 1947 incident.
On 4th July 1947 in night an alien space ship crash-landed in Roswell, New Mexico.A rancher claimed that wreckage is made of unusual metal The United States military collected the wreckage and at first announced that it was indeed from a flying saucer. However, soon after, military officials insisted that a mistake had been made, and that the wreckage was from a weather balloon.This revised statement sparked immediate controversy.
According to the natives of Roswell the debris was not of weather balloon but was of Flying saucer.They believed that the government had conspired in order to hide the presence of extraterrestrial life.The photograph will reveal that it was an Alien Saucer & the locals of Roswell were correct , as one can see Alien shaking hands .
The mystery of Roswell Incident is still unsolved , the debate continues till now .However in 1991 Roswell UFO Museum & Research center was built & it is a place where one can find facts related to Roswell Incident & other UFOs( Unidentified Flying Objects ).The UFO enthusiasts should visit the Roswell Museum to satisfy their quench for knowledge about Aliens.
The Roswell UFO festival starts from 4th July & every year thousands of UFO enthusiasts visit Roswell to attend the Seminars , Discussions , Lectures etc. on Unidentified
Flying Objects During the UFO Festival ,Alien Parades , Concerts ,Music shows & other events are carried out also in Shops toys of Aliens are available .The whole festival is very lively.
Like the Roswell 1947 Incident which was covered up .In2006 another UFO incident happened.This has got to be the best proof anyone could ask for.A flying disc was seen by
pilots, crew members and a bunch of other people at the Chicago O'Hare Airport in November, 2006. The whole story was shown on CNN January 6, 2007 this incident was also covered up for unknown reason.